Academics » Classical Education

Classical Education

We help to form the spiritual, intellectual and social development of every student entrusted to us.

All Saints offers a dual language classical program that maintains a balanced curriculum in accordance with the Principles and Standards for the Catholic Schools developed by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED).  


What is Classical Learning?

Subject Circles
The Classical Academic Press describes it as “a long tradition of education that has emphasized the seeking after of truth, goodness, and beauty and the study of the liberal arts and the great books. 

What are the liberal arts? They are grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. This approach to education also includes the study of Latin.  The classical approach  
"teaches students how to learn and how to think.” 

What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, children learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. It is this approach to teaching students based on their developmental stage that makes it so very effective.

Lower Grammar Stage: Grades K - 2nd


Student raising hand


Excited about learning
Enjoys games, stories, projects, songs
Short attention span
Wants to touch, smell, hear and see
Imaginative & creative
Easily memorizes


In the Classroom

Guided discovery; explore, find things; use lots of tactile items; sing; play games; chant; recite; color, draw, paint; build; use body movements; short creative projects; show and tell; drama; hear/read/tell stories; field trips

Upper Grammar Stage: Grades 3rd - 5th

TraitsStudent sitting at table

Excited about new interesting facts
Likes to explain, figure out, talk
Likes collecting and organizing items
Likes clever chants and rhymes
Can assimilate another language well


In the Classroom

Lots of hands-on work, projects; field trips, make collection displays, models; integrate subjects through above means; immersive language; recitations, memorization; drills, games.

Logic Stage: Grades 6th - 8th

Student arts & crafts


Still excitable but needs challenges
Critical, enjoys debate
Wants to know “behind the scenes” facts
Curious about why for most things


In the Classroom

Time lines, charts, maps (visual materials); debates, persuasive reports; drama re-enactments, formal logic, oral/written presentations, guests speakers, trips.

Program Highlights

  • Native Language Arts Instruction in home language until Kindergarten
  • Latin taught beginning in 2nd grade
  • Curriculum rooted in sound Catholic teachings
  • Dialetic method used in classes
  • Memoria Press Curriculum
  • Singapore Math
